off Eyre Square we come to William's Gate. On the right from our
viewpoint we see Corbett Court, which is part of the Eyre Square
Shopping Mall. Inside the mall you will find parts of the old medieval
city wall, with fortifications and an indoor market, in addition
to the many shops.

the left side from our viewpoint is Fallers of Galway, which produce
Claddagh rings and are purveyors of fine Irish crafts and crystal.
Ming Garden Restaurant on the intersection with Eglinton Street
is possibly Ireland's finest Chinese Restaurant. In Eglinton Street
you will also find the Galway Main Post Office.
ancient winding streets of Galway reflect an era of hundreds of
years ago...
Kelly has revived the ancient art of playing the hurdy-gurdy .
The hurdy-gurdy, which is a type of fiddle, dates from the 10th century.
in this instrument the strings are not sounded by a bow, but by
the rosined rim of a wooden wheel. It creates a haunting, beautiful
sound on its one or two melody strings.
instrument was popular with folk and street musicians until the
20th century. Joseph Haydn composed a number of concerti and nocturnes
for a variety of the hurdy-gurdy. Listen to the instrument by clicking
here and pressing the start button.