of Galway Cathedral 909kb |

Ahead we see the High Altar of Our Lady.The large Crucifixion mosaic
behind the Altar was created by Patrick Pollen. The sanctuary contains
the kathedra, or Bishop's chair and the seats for the twelve canons
of the Cathedral Chapter. The four great pillars rising around the
sanctuary support the large dome, which tops 145 feet in height.

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construction of the Cathedral of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven
and St. Nicholas began in 1958.
The final dedication ceremony was held after seven years of
work by Cardinal Richard Cushing on the Feast of the Assumption
on 15. August 1965. |
The general architecture of the Cathedral is in the Renaissance style,
with the incorporation of various other features, such as rose windows
(of which there are three) and the mosaics.
Cathedral is built from Galway limestone and has a seating capacity
of 1500. The pews are fashioned from West African mahogany. The
barrel shaped ceiling was constructed out of natural western red
cedar wood from the American Pacific coast.
the Cathedral windows are devoted to biblical events and figures.
The upper level windows show scenes from the Old Testament. Shown
here are two scenes by Irish artists James Scanlon, John Murphy,
Phyllis Burke and George Walsh.
windows on the ground floor depict events from the life of Christ,
a few samples of which are seen on the left side of this page.

The Cathedral organ was built by Rushworth & Draper of Liverpool.
It contains over 3000 pipes which range in length from 6 inches to
21 feet.
plays an important part in the liturgy of Galway Cathedral. An expression
of this are the Galway Cathedral Organ Recitals, which are held
every year in August.
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