day at St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Galway 440kb |

market at St. Nicholas Church has a long history. Located just off
busy Shop Street it is well worth a visit on Saturday mornings.
My visit here happened in the early afternoon, when most traders
already were ready to leave.
you walk around the left-hand side of the church you reach the Lynch
tale is told that in 1493 the residing Mayor of Galway hanged his
own condemned son, as no henchman could be found to carry out this
sentence. The Mayors name was 'Lynch', hence the term 'to lynch
someone' originated (it is rumored).
the 19th century the people of Galway restored an old memorial to
Mayor Lynch in the railings of St. Nicholas Church. Click on the
picture on the right to read the inscription...
you are on the market out of curiosity or by chance, be sure to
take a look around. You might find the one or other unusual item
not available in the Highstreet.
This market being on the steps of St. Nicholas I'll take the opportunity
to take you inside this historical church with one or two surprises
in store...