Boats at the Docks in Galway 484kb |

are standing here at New Dock Street, looking towards the fish market
and boats. These boats provide an never-ending supply of freshest
ingredients for Galway's fine restaurants. A large steel trawler
is visible on your left. You'll also see the remains of the old
harbor masters office.
fish market is located in this hall, where every morning (and throughout
the day) the nights catch is offered for sale. If you bought yourself
a fish there you might like to put it in a fridge. You can read
up on one mans travels around Ireland with a fridge (should you
decide to take the fish home with you as a souvenir) by clicking
of the wooden fishing boats we see here are built in Scotland. These
have a good reputation amongst the local skippers, as they are rugged
and seaworthy to withstand the sometimes severe storms off the Irish
Atlantic Coast.
skippers occasionally struggle to leave port to go fishing. The
reason is sometimes the missing crew, which gets lost in the local
pub. Certain superstitions exist among fishermen. One is that no
woman should ever be invited aboard to sleep in a bunk bed. This
is another reason the crew often goes missing.